Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Poetic Licence

A funny thing happened... But first some background...

A couple of things you should know about me: I genuinely believe in the power of positive thinking (but I don't do it); I believe that you have the power to change whatever you want to change about yourself (but I don't do it); I believe that if you want something enough, you can go out there and make it happen (but I don't do it). I've long ago accepted all this about myself, and made excuses for myself that I don't really know what it is I want, and I mustn't want it badly enough or I'd have gone out there and got it. Whatever it is - that elusive something that is missing.

Now, I've recently come to the realisation that there isn't something missing - there isn't a big hole where something should be. This is it. Right now, this is what I've got. And it's not bad. Sure, my job's a bit crummy at the moment and my house is always a mess and I need to lose some weight. But waiting around for my 'epiphany' before I do anything about that stuff is just the biggest ever procrastination. So, if I stop looking for the elusive 'something', I'll probably find it while I'm busy sorting out the here and now. I will make something better of my job, or find a new one. I will tidy my house, or stop thinking about it as such a big deal. I will lose weight, or stop worrying so much about it. There's a probably a perfect quotation that sums this up. Probably from John Lennon. Probably about life being something that happens while you're making other plans. But I'm not very good at quotations...

Anyhoo, in an effort to tidy my house in a permanent-ish sort of way, I'm gradually decluttering. I have unearthed numerous notebooks with lists and systems so that I can get organised and become fulfilled. When I went to bed the other night, I noticed yet another such notebook beside my bed. It contained list after list of things I was going to change/buy/learn/do to improve and enrich my life. It made me smile at myself. But it also made me do something else. It made me write a poem! Now, I aspire to understand poetry. I try - I really do. But I've just never got it. Then, on Monday night, I wrote a poem. And last night, when I went to bed, I wrote another one. Just to express a feeling that didn't need to be expressed to anyone but myself. And there it is, written down. I never thought I'd see the day...

I may well share my first poem with you, just because it's there. Nothing deep or profound about it (and I may have been subliminally affected by hearing Pam Ayres on the radio the other day), but to put it 'out there' stops it being just another thing written in just another notebook. Maybe I'll post it in a minute, if I'm feeling brave...


At 12:40 am, Blogger petercmoore said...

Have you read "God's Debris" by Scott Adams (the Dilbert guy)?

I think it's got stuff like this in it. Positive thinking stuff and why other stuff gets in the way of that stuff.

Or maybe it doesn't.

You'll have to forgive the rambling - I've been working for the last 2 hours and I'm wondering why I need a job that means I've only had about 4 hours to myself since this morning (yesterday morning!) and now I've only got another 6 hours until it's time to get up again...

If only I had time to think positively too...

At 9:16 am, Blogger jomoore said...

I've got a PDF of God's Debris sitting on my PC desktop waiting to be read. I'll have to print it out when nobody's looking... :/

At 10:51 pm, Blogger chux said...

Procrastination!! Now thats a word i've heard a number of times over the years! Why can't people use dynamic to describe me? Instead I get dilly-dally or worse still fart-arsing.:-)
I think there is a truism that you also alluded to and that is to "love the skin you are in". We have to learn to love ourselves, and to find some contentment. Whats the use in spending our whole life wishing we were someone else!?
PAM AYRES!!! Would love to hear her stuff again, wonder if she's got the same cheeky delivery. Will have a look on the web sometime.
Anyhow I'll leave you too your own poetry but nice to pop by again.

At 11:28 pm, Blogger Delmonti said...

Why has it takem me THIS long to read your blog Jo? I dont know either... but it's bloody good.

I have to agree with everything you've written.... is it an age thing? is it a woman thing (I have man-breasts), or perhaps Surrey Country Council are putting things in the water to make us all think we need to de-clutter so they can make money on recycling bins.

It's very stuffy in here, cam I open a window?

At 9:50 am, Blogger jomoore said...

I think decluttering is the new decking!

At 3:46 pm, Blogger chux said...

I want more Pam Ayres - is there something wrong with me?
btw Jo I told Delmonti to get over to check out your blog as we've been stiffled for far too long by your brother! (only kiddin Pete you're great really)
:-) Are there any other Moore's that I should be visiting? I know Pete and now Jo, also i've come across you dad too maybe? Anyone else?

At 3:57 pm, Blogger jomoore said...

I believe Pam Ayres is touring this year, and she's got a DVD out...

Thanks for the recommendation - I'm very excited to have actual people reading my blog (who aren't my family)! :)

You won't have seen my dad online anywhere - the nearest he's got to tinternet is his Peter Kay DVD. But my mum's here: (not sure if this is the right way to post a link, but I'm still a bit of a blog-div...) :)


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