Important things I have to get done this weekend

1. Some washing. I'm out of clean, normal knickers. Today I'm wearing fancy, 'only for best', 'hold it all in' knickers. Just on a normal day. It's not right and it must never happen again. My solution will doubtless be to buy more normal knickers, rather than just doing my washing more often...
2. Sort out my mortgage. I'm on the standard variable thingy, which can't be good. I'm sure I can get a better dea... zzz... zzz... Nope - I'm just as bored writing about it as I am thinking about it.
3. Nothing else. That's it. That's all the important stuff I'm going to think about this weekend. I haven't even got to worry about understanding what's going on in Doctor Who.
Jo.... there's a fella I know who is great with mortgages. He sorted both myself and Chuckie out.
E-mail me is ya want his contact details (PT has my home e-mail address)
I buy shreddies in bulk (not the breakfast thing). Sometimes it's just as easy to throw them away!
I say, forget the laundry and the mortgage. Settle in with a good book. Or movie. Or nap. (my solutions to everything)
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