Saturday, June 30, 2007

And so to Bath

So, to continue my holiday boasts/posts, here's a snapshot of snapshots from my recent short break in Bath.
The beautiful Abbey, outside...
... and in...
A pair of pretend-Roman pins at the baths...
The actual hot spring (see the bubbles?)...
Pulteney Bridge and the weir...
The Royal Crescent...
And on our way home, we stopped off to look at the stone circle at Avebury...


At 4:50 pm, Blogger chux said...

The royal cresent. isn't there a museum or something along there? I'm sure I can recall a visit and seeing the kitchens in an old house! hmmmm brain not engaged today obviously

At 3:48 pm, Blogger Delmonti said...

There's something about ancient standing stones... very interesting things.

At 10:18 am, Blogger jomoore said...

Chux - yes indeed there is at Number 1. And there was a volunteer in each room telling stories of Regency life. All very interesting, though the one about the ladies 'doing their business' behind a screen in the dining room was somewhat dubious. This was told to us by an ancient gentlemen wearing medals - we didn't like to doubt him...

Delmonti - we leant against a stone in the hope of feeling the reverberation of history. Nothing. Ho hum...


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