Thursday, July 19, 2007

Showing my ignorance

I'm not sleeping well lately - I don't know why, but let's put it down to stress, as this seems as good a reason as any...

The upside is that I'm getting a lot of reading done (in between the nodding off, dropping my book, ah this must be sleep, turn off the light, lie staring at the ceiling for half an hour, give up and do it all again).

While I was reading last night I came across two things I don't know: where is the Sargasso Sea, and what does sinecure mean? Normally I'll just pretend that I know and move on. But this time I thought I'd remember those things and find them out. That way, I'm bettering myself, right? So today I've learnt two new facts, but whether I'll still know them in a few weeks time is another question...

The Sargasso Sea is in the middle of the North Atlantic.

Sinecure means (in the context in which I read it) a position or office that requires little or no work but provides a salary.

Tell me your newly-gained knowledge and we can all benefit from this shared wisdom.


At 6:27 pm, Blogger petercmoore said...

I knew both of those things - you could have rung me up to ask, but if it was 3am, maybe that would have been a bad idea.

At 11:31 pm, Blogger kittycakes said...

I didn't know about the Window Tax. You taught me that... Right... and what was the other thing???


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