Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Is it that time already?

I've now been off work for 6 full months. SIX MONTHS!!

I'm not quite sure how I've managed to get away with it, or how the time has gone so quickly. Now and again I think I should have used the time more wisely (tidying up, or something) but mostly I think what a lovely break it's been. Despite feeling a bit anxious now about getting another job (or, rather, not getting another job), I'm still enjoying the overriding sense of being free!

Interestingly, I haven't been ill once since I finished work - not even a cold. I've had little niggly under-the-weather days, mostly through lack of sleep, but they've been few and far between. As an employed person I would get a nasty cold at least 3 or 4 times a year. Of course, I'm tempting fate now and will be coughing and sneezing like a good 'un any day!

I wish I had something inciteful to impart after all this time of soul-searching and navel-gazing. But I haven't. Mainly because I haven't searched my soul or gazed at my navel very much. I've done nothing at all about finding myself, either because I'm not lost, or I'm still counting to 100. In fact, if anything, I've confirmed things that I already knew about myself: the reason I don't get things done is not because I don't have time, it's because I don't really want to do them; I can get bored very easily when I'm doing things, but I can do nothing for hours and not get bored; I hate routine and long-term predictability, but I like to plan ahead.

I realise I'm rambling. I half expected to be struck by something profound whilse writing this post and reflecting on the last half year of freedom. But I can't be that deep when all it comes down to is the fact that I'd rather not have to work for a living. And I know I'm not alone there, but am really lucky to have had the chance to take this much time out from real life. Any time now I really ought to get back in the rat race...


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