Thursday, May 16, 2024

Where was I?

A lot has happened since I last blogged in earnest. A ridiculous amount, in fact. Much of it, I don't want to write about on a public forum (so I won't - if you want details you'll have to take me away somewhere nice for a long weekend. By the sea would be lovely.).

Which makes me wonder what I will write about. I never worried about that before, when blogging was a regular hobby, I'd write about whatever popped into my head. (Look back on old posts, and that will be obvious...) Now I'm feeling that what I say needs to be weighty and important. That I should have some great wisdom to impart. So, step one on new blogging journey: write often and any old tosh will do. Some snippets may come with a side of gravitas, but the writing is the thing. Make it so, number one. 

I am at a crossroads. Sort of. I'm looking for something, but I don't know what it is. It might not even be lost. I might find it via some kind of creative outlet, hence the writing. I'm also taking art lessons (have you seen my pear...?*), and am about to start learning to play the piano. All of these things might be distractions, but they might also just be "this is what I do now". 

Feel free to join me on this journey of self- discovery (yuck!). Or, I hope you like at least some of the stuff I write. 

*This is my pear - I'm dead proud of it...


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