Saturday, August 19, 2006

By the time you read this...

I've decided that I've finally had enough and I'm going to tackle Thomas's bedroom. He says he's going to help me, but he's currently procrastinating with Plasticine, so I'll believe it when I see it. (Obviously, you're all too polite to mention that I'm procrastinating with Blogger, and I thank you for that!)

The reward (bribe) for getting his room cleared up is, of course, to get more of his stuff out of storage to clutter up the place again. Hmm... reminds me of a song - "Round. Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel...".

To digress for a moment, 'The Windmills of Your Mind' is, as we all know, the Oscar-winning song from the 1968 version of The Thomas Crown Affair (thanks,, but why is it that it always makes me think of Richard Harris? Anyone? I'm sure that the Jose Feliciano version was featured in another film...

Anyhoo... I'm going in. Just as soon as I've had a cup of tea...


At 5:18 pm, Blogger Chris said...

If I don't see you in the next few days, I'll come and dig you out.

Windmills of Your Mind, Thomas Crown Affair,Steve McQueen, mmmmmmm......luvverly.

Perhaps because it was sung by Noel Harrison the Harris bit of Harrison makes you think of Richard Harris (if you see what I mean).

At 5:12 pm, Blogger Delmonti said...

dont know any Harris.... except harris tweed, which makes me think of Margret Rutherford.... who for years I thought was my REAL grandmother.

Eventually, after several failed contact attempts and a huge dose of Ritalin I abandoned my whimsical notion that Granny Marg was my real grandmother.

Only Uncle Goring (Field Marshal) stood by me and never poo-pooed my accusations.

At 4:34 pm, Blogger Liz Hinds said...

Richard Harris sang the theme music of Camelot so that's obviously why you connect the two.

No, i just looked up the lyrics and it's How to handle a woman that I'm thinking of; it has a sort-of similar tune to Windmills. Don't you think?! Maybe?

At 2:40 pm, Blogger chux said...

No updates from you recently?!! why's that? Pete did his ditty on the gig, such a shame!

At 8:49 am, Blogger blogotheque said...

Wuz certain Richard Harris did his bit on "Windmills of Your Mind". Heard on the ole fashioned jukebox way back when. Wuz sipping tea with milk (!)at a nearby Varsity Canteen across the University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, Philippines, February 1968!


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