Monday, July 03, 2006

6 random things in 30 minutes

I haven't posted for a while, and I shouldn't now, really, as it's nearly midnight. But I'm here, so I might just as well say something...

Random 1
It actually was exactly midnight a few minutes ago, and the clock on my cooker says "24:00". Well, I've never noticed that before! I had to stare at it really hard before I could figure out why it didn't look right. Wasn't there a kid's book that had some mysterious goings-on centred around a clock behaving strangely at midnight? Was it 'Tom's Midnight Garden'? Or am I dreaming...?

Random 2
Speaking of which (so much for randomness!), last night I dreamt that I was walking up a hill and I saw a big flying thing, er, flying. It went behind some trees, but I was certain it was Concorde. Then, something space-ish fell out of the sky onto the ground and I realised that the flying thing was the Space Shuttle and it must have dropped the thing that fell on the ground. I was trying to take a photo of it with my camera but, try as I might, I couldn't focus on it. (I often have dreams where I can't see the thing I'm looking at and I've decided it's because I don't wear my glasses when I'm asleep...). Anyway, the hill I was walking up was straight out of Hound of the Baskervilles that I watched yesterday evening, but I'm not sure about the Space Shuttle connection... Hmm... I'm not going to think about that one too much...

Random 3
Yesterday I watched a whole football match for the first time in about 8 years. Wish I hadn't. Sorry if I jinxed something...

Random 4
Today I went to see Over The Hedge. I made Thomas come with me, though he didn't really want to go. He was glad he did though, and so was I. I really enjoyed it. There was humour in there for all ages, and some serious message about, um, family maybe. Or bears. Or something. And some excellent voicing (is that such a thing?) from everyone, but Garry Shandling and William Shatner in particular. And the soundtrack (by Ben Folds) was fab. And my favourite bit was when the little 3-ish year old girl in front of me said "I love you Tyler" to the similarly-aged little boy sitting next to her, at a quiet moment in the film. And he answered "I know you do" in a resigned fashion. That might not happen if you go to see this film, but you never know...

Random 5
A woman named Priscilla keeps leaving messages on my answerphone for someone named Jean. She's getting quite perturbed that Jean isn't ringing her back, but she always signs off with "I hope you're having a nice time and enjoying the weather". Which is nice. I'd like to call Priscilla and tell her she's got the wrong number for Jean, but her number is withheld and she's only called when I'm out. Maybe Jean gave her the wrong number on purpose. Poor Priscilla.

Random 6
I remembered today that I'd taken some dry cleaning in about 2 months ago, then promptly forgot all about it. Oh dear - I wonder if they keep things that long if they're unclaimed.

OK - it's now half-past midnight. And my cooker clock says "00:30", so that's OK then. No links or pictures on this post, I'm afraid, because it's just too late! I promise my next post with have a proper subject, a beginning, a middle and an end, and plentiful links and pictures. And less ands.

Goodnight faithful reader!


At 1:24 pm, Blogger Chris said...

Reference Random 3:

You're not going to believe this BUT Dad and I both sat and watched the football on Saturday and this is a first time EVER!!! I now think that certain members of the Moore family should apologise several times to Sven and the team for having to shoulder the blame and brickbats for losing when it was really down to the fact that we had given the kiss of death to the result merely by watching the game. It happens all the time to me; if someone or something (a horse for example) I favour, no matter how good they are, is trying to win something and I'm watching they don't stand a hope in hell of achieving anything.

I've got to mention my word verification because it's 'cazfkg' which I like very much.

At 1:04 pm, Blogger Liz Hinds said...

Well, I've got to comment just because my word is Azabcq (definitely old Soviet republic).

Poor Tyler, and poor Jean. Both, it seems, recipients of unreturned affection. Although, maybe, they should be so lucky.

I dare not contemplate my dreams for long: they are way too peculiar to analyse. Some things you can see an association with something that happened during the day; other things just come out of a sci-fi romantic murder novel by Stephen King.

At 11:42 pm, Blogger Delmonti said...

Oh my..... I'm all concerned for Priscilla now, she's gonna get the hump with Jean for not returning her calls.... and she'll probably end up sleeping with Jeans husband out of spite. I know I've not known Jean long but I bet it puts her over the edge. Priscilla's always been a bit of a tart... probably.

At 9:55 pm, Blogger chux said...

hey you!!!!

I might have gone a bit moody and quiet lately but thats no excuse for you to let the side down.

Sort yourself out and get some quality output onto this site again.

I hope you feel told off :-)

hope you and yours are all ok

At 12:15 pm, Blogger chux said...

obviously my last comments didnt do the necessary and inspire you to further posts. Are you alright? Why so quiet?

At 7:22 pm, Blogger jomoore said...

Oh Chux! I did take your comment to heart, and even started writing a post! It wasn't very good, though, and I haven't had a spare moment to make it right or finish it.

The reason for my silence is just busy-ness, and that's a rubbish excuse!

I'm going to write something tonight - I am, I am, I am!

At 9:23 am, Blogger Chris said...

This is your mother speaking!! Just do as you're told and do your homework. Tidy your room. Eat all your dinner up. Wash behind your ears. Don't stay out too late. Etc, etc, etc


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