Saturday, May 20, 2006


Today I took to my bed. And thanks to a laptop PC with a DVD player and wireless broadband, I hardly needed to get up at all! Hey, I even ordered pizza over the internet!!

I deleted my last post, because I'm sulking and sad. If you didn't read it, I'll leave you to wonder. If you did read it, you can wonder too.

I watched Crash and Brokeback Mountain. They are both fantastic films. Absorbing and profound and excellent for when you need a good cry. Which I do.

I've checked my e-mail every couple of minutes, which I guess is the current equivalent of waiting by the phone. And, in between, I've done a lot of Sudoku.

Oh, and I've eaten chocolate.

Before you call the social services, I should add that I have got up now and again to check on Thomas, but he's doing as good a job as I am of being a teenager and spends most of his time in his room playing computer games and watching TV. I did get creative and make tuna melt wraps for lunch, which is pretty nutritious - oily fish and dairy - so I'm not doing too badly.

Tomorrow I'll snap out of it, but for now I'm off to watch the results of the Eurovision Song Contest - that'll round off my miserable day perfectly!


At 12:08 am, Blogger petercmoore said...

Oh dear. I hope this doesn't mean you've taken my advice. You should NEVER take my advice! Look at my own track record for such things!!

Cheer up! Finland won and they were totally bonkers! I would have voted for them if I could have been bothered to get off the couch and go to the phone...

At 1:10 am, Blogger jomoore said...

Don't worry - I didn't take your advice, but I did sort of take someone else's and it's all for the best, of course, even if it didn't turn out the way I'd have liked. La di da.

Yay for Finland!!

At 3:05 pm, Blogger Liz Hinds said...

You are worth better anyway, Jo. And will find it.

As somebody sung: the best is yet to come ...

At 9:14 pm, Blogger Delmonti said...

......I cant believe you did what I said. And how the hell did you get chloraphorm without a pharmacists licence?

Just tell the police you needed it for one of Pete's plays and you've never been the same since the repeel of the corn laws.

ps: it'll heal within weeks and probably not leave a scar

At 6:43 pm, Blogger chux said...

i have missed some interesting stuff haven't I!! And I wanted to talk Duran Duran and 80's music ooooowwwww. A sulk and a cry is healthy. I haven't seen the details of your 'missing' post but I hope you're feeling much better now. I do want to talk 80's music sometime though. I warn you now though Dave will mention 'Big Country' and 'Wonder Stuff' alot in any comments he makes.


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