Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Like Rear Window, but it's at the front and I don't have a telephoto lens

While I've been waiting for inspiration to strike, I've been gazing out of my window onto the busy street beyond. I have seen:-

  • A man delivering glass to the replacement window company opposite. For a split second, with the light at the right angle, he looked like a mime pretending to deliver glass. I'll keep looking in case they have to carry a big pane between two of them. Like in a Keystone Cops film or something...
  • An ambulance
  • A horsebox
  • A man looking like he's rambling, with a rucksack and a small stick (Addlestone High Street is hardly the Yorkshire Dales...)
  • A small young woman on a bike, wearing a large pair of black gloves
  • A car with 'Dentfix' written on the side - sounds like false teeth adhesive (which is an odd thing to advertise on the side of the car), but it's actually a company that fixes dents on cars. That's a lot less interesting...
Things I haven't seen:-

  • Raymond Burr
  • Grace Kelly
  • A dog

I'm supposed to be working, but I'm writing a blog instead. Except that I'm actually gazing out of the window. See how my procrastination has reached such sophisticated levels?!

See, this is what happens when I feel I should write something just because I haven't written anything for a while. Next time I'm definitely waiting until I have something to say.


At 12:57 pm, Blogger petercmoore said...

Ooh! A new game.

OK - I'm going to try gazing out of MY window for a bit...

Arse! The blinds are drawn (so I can see my monitor screen).

Right-ho. One "short journey to the next-door department so I can reach the dangly string bits and rotate the blinds" later:

I can see tree-tops (not the one in Kenya), the backs of some houses, a short length of footpath and a couple of electricity pylons.

I thought there was a UFO in the sky, but it turned out to be bird poo on the window...

I'd always thought Addlestone and Andover were about equal in the Dullness stakes, but it seems that Andover is much more boring indeed.

At 4:27 pm, Blogger chux said...


And not a bad effort either I must say. I look out onto the car park and the canal. I've seen a lot of people sciving off early again. Occassionally a canal boat goes slowly by. The thing that I do see at times is people walking past my window that know me, off on their way to the Pelican for a drink, and they haven't invited me!! How rude is that.

Jo, does nothing interesting happen at the office? People that do funny things or the like? My last post was about getting a box of pretend Viagra delivered to work. This sort of stuff happens to me quite often I must admit. Am I the only one then?


At 4:52 pm, Blogger Liz Hinds said...

Jo probably doesn't order a lot of Viagra, Chux.

At 6:52 pm, Blogger jomoore said...

It's true - I very infrequently order Viagra. And even more infrequently have people who work in the company restaurant ordering Viagra on my behalf.

However, I'll think very hard about interesting things to write. I promise. Honest.

At 8:54 pm, Blogger chux said...

Let me say I have never purchased or been bought Viagra. Nor have I requested a trial pack from Pfiser the manufacturer (apparently)

BUT saying that i wouldn't say no to having a go!! :-)

At 10:06 am, Blogger Chris said...

As well as not liking my photos Blogger obviously doesn't like me talking to you either.

Or possibly my comment yesterday about building sites and the cat sitting in the middle of the road was so boring he just couldn't be bothered

At 12:35 pm, Blogger MaryB said...

Ooh, you tapped into one of my very favorite movies. (By the way, you haven't broken your leg, have you?)

Watch out for that little rambler man - he might turn out to be Thorvald, after all!

Keep watching and reporting back to us. And make sure you have a lot of flashbulbs on hand.

At 5:34 pm, Blogger rooose said...

This is a fairly amusing game, I must say.

Though your part of Addlestone seems to be more interesting than mine...

At 3:31 pm, Blogger jomoore said...

Mary: No, no broken bones fortunately (except old ones that still ache when it's damp)

Rooose: I'm not so sure about that - I haven't had Channel 4 in my kitchen! Thanks for dropping by.


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