Friday, December 21, 2007

Pesky ducks

So, just when you think all your ducks are lining up nicely... They're not.

It's been 2 months since I last posted, and my only excuse is my flighty brain. I've really found it difficult to focus on more than one or two things at once, and totally unable to boot up my computer during non-working hours, so blogging has gone out the window.

I won't bore you with the details, because there's nothing earth-shattering going on, but in summary:-

My job is up in the air

My skin has been bad

Ah - that's it. And because of those 2 things, I've found myself unable to do much else than worry about work, and scratch.

However, I'm coming out the other side of it with great optimism for the new year.

Since I last posted:-
  • I've lost a lot of weight and gone to the gym about 24 times.

  • I've found out that my company will be moving to Guildford next year, though I doubt I'll still be working there

  • I've tried, and given up on, homeopathy to help my skin

  • I've gone a little bit organic (except where I can't bring myself to pay the exorbitant price for brocolli)

  • I've thrown away a lot of shampoo and shower gel

  • I've started to recycle

  • I've had 2 reflexology sessions which have been the best thing ever

  • I've had my hair dyed (to hide the grey for the first time)

  • I've ridden a bike for the first time in about 12 years

  • I've watched 2 series of The Sopranos because I missed it first time round

  • I've been to the theatre a couple of times, once to see Ottershaw Players' production of Treasure Island, and once to see Avenue Q (which I can't recommend highly enough - it's fab)

  • I've been to bingo for the first time

  • I've seen (sort of) Tutankhamun and the Terracotta Army
It's all mostly positive and I'm planning more of the same for 2008. I hope the new year brings you everything you wish for (and a little bit more).


At 12:20 pm, Blogger petercmoore said...

Well, there are a lot more positives than negatives there - that's really good!

I'm sure the work thing will sort itself out one way or the other. Either way, at least you'll be in a good position financially (unless something's changed drastically of late?!?)

Time to relax and have a nice time for the next week...

At 11:47 am, Blogger Delmonti said...

Good to see ya blogging again.

At 3:10 pm, Blogger MaryB said...

Wow, Jo! I was wondering when we'd hear from you again. I figured if anything tragic had happened PT or Chris woulda posted, right? (Except Chris hasn't been so regular, either.) We just want to make sure the Moore clan is intact.

Congrats on the weight loss and hair dye! ;-)


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