Monday, September 24, 2007

Ducks in a row

I've been concentrating on things elsewhere lately - trying to get some form of order in my life. I've been frustrated by the disarray in all areas of my world, so I decided to put things right. I've got a way to go yet, but I've made a good, positive start.

I thought I'd start with work. If I was on top of things in my job, that would take away a lot of the stress I've been feeling. Once I'd made that decision, it all went very smoothly. Coincidentally (or by fate...?), someone recommended a time management book to me, so I thought I'd adopt its principles. I like to have a system to follow. It doesn't really matter what the system is, but I like to have a set of rules. I've adapted them slightly for my own needs, but I'm no longer feeling overwhelmed and I've gone from a frightening 4,000 emails in my Inbox to emptying it every day. And to get myself a healthier work/life balance, I've been leaving my computer at work every day, hence the lack of blogging lately. I'm going to get back into the posting habit in my spare time, rather than using it as a procrastination technique. Good!

What next?

I have to take myself in hand, so I've joined a local Slimming World group. I had some success with Slimming World years ago, so I feel confident in the way it all works, but it still took me a good few weeks to psyche myself to decide to go. Then a few more to actually go. But a week in, it's all come flooding back - red or green days, 'a's and 'b's - and I'm happy that I've kicked my chocolate and snacking habits, and I've even stopped taking sugar in my tea. Not bad going.

Mum and I have resurrected our resolution to go for regular walks, and I'm going to make an effort to get out at lunchtimes. Just half an hour, three times a week, should be achievable, shouldn't it?

OK - I've told you all now, so I have to stick to it. I'll keep you posted on my progress (whether you like it or not!).

Next on the agenda is to get to grips with my domestic arrangements. I'm fed up with being fed up with my untidy house so, once again, I'm planning to follow a system. I'll give myself a few weeks to settle into my new eating and exercise habits, then I'll be on it...

So, if you're still with me, apologies for the dull post. I just needed to get all this stuff 'out there'.

Normal service will resume... Any time now.


At 2:16 pm, Blogger Delmonti said...

thats not a dull post! thats a great post!

At 4:05 pm, Blogger chux said...

as Maryb would say ! you go get 'em girl!

I agree too though its that time to get stuff done, and to make some more changes. I'm on Tescos ediets again after a 2/3 month break.

Good luck buddy - keep us updated!


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