Friday, March 20, 2009

What's my favourite flower?

I'm sure you're dying to know... Well, it's the daffodil. Surprise!

This is the best time of year. I may wander into cliché - and I may have posted much the same thing around this time every year - but nothing lifts my heart and my spirit quite like the sight of the first daffodils. This week has been Spring-in-a-bottle, with the sunshine and blossom and birds and everything else that lets us know that winter's over. Even being able to hang out washing (and it getting dry) makes me smile. Putting it all away doesn't, but that sort of negative thinking has no place in this post.

I drove to work this morning along by the river at Lower Sunbury. Trees along the river bank were covered in bright pink blossom, and there was a hazy shimmer over the water. It took my breath away, it really did! If it weren't for double yellow lines I'd have stopped right then and taken a photo for you. But I couldn't, which is a shame.

Rumour has it that this weather won't last, but I'm not looking ahead. I'm living for the sunny, springy moment, breathing in the scent of daffodils whenever I can, because I know it is fleeting.

There should be a place you can go (there probably is!) where the sounds and smells of Spring are pumped in. Fresh-mown grass, bumble bees, daffodils of course, peacocks. Peacocks? Yes - there are some peacocks close to where I live and the sound they make in the evenings makes me think of longer days and sunshine. I close my eyes to the washing and pretend I'm in the countryside. Bliss!

So, what I'm basically saying is: Spring's here - good isn't it?


At 6:45 pm, Blogger kittycakes said...

yes! daffodils and tulips! I've been scattering daffodils all over my place in an effort to keep my mood out of the blue zone. it works! I may even take a drive this weekend to view our swatch of almost-English countryside off Hwy 280. Because, sadly, there are not daffodils springing up willy-nilly, hither and yon in that fantastic way that they do in lovely Surrey.

At 9:16 pm, Blogger MaryB said...

My actual favorite is a red geranium. But you know my love for daffodils - I did a post about them last spring. And I have them in my office and at home right now. Love 'em!

At 2:50 pm, Blogger chux said...

I love love love love love the spring. My mood improves tenfold and I feel all energetic again.

I really love daffs and tulips too, my favourite flowers. (am i allowed to have favourite flowers? doh)


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