Saturday, September 24, 2005

Ripping Yarns

I'm cooking a shepherd's pie.

I'm using one of those packet sauces and as I ripped it open I noticed that it ripped in a perfectly straight line. I already knew it would do this - I'm an old-hand at opening packets - but it was not always the case.

You used to have to use your own skill and dexterity to open the paper packet, but I can't remember ever having any sauce-based incidents because of sloppy tearing. Perhaps I have a natural talent for these things, but it would never have crossed my mind that the packet sauce packaging would need improving.

That's probably why I'm not a packaging designer (though if you were a packaging designer, and your speciality was sauce packets made of paper, you'd probably need to find something new to do with them...).

Of course, putting a ring pull on a can of tomatoes is a fabulous innovation. And I love those boxes of sugar with the plastic lids.

First Time

So, here is my first post to my first blog. How exciting! Like talking to myself, but more socially acceptable.
I was inspired to start this by my brother's entertaining musings on his blog.
I'm not sure what I'll be talking about or how often I'll actually remember to post but, hey, that's what makes it fun!
So for my first post, some of my other 'firsts' (but not all of them...!):
  • The first time I got drunk was on Cinzano Rosso. I've never drunk it again since. It was a long time ago.
  • The first time I ate oysters was in San Francisco. Someone else was paying. I still don't know what all the fuss is about.
  • The first time I sent to the cinema was to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Apparently. It was a long time ago.
  • The first time I ate a Chinese Pear (or Asian Pear, or Japanese Pear) was today. It was very nice.