There's ALWAYS a lot of it about...

I'm coming down with a cold today. It started yesterday with a sinus-type headache. Then there was some general grumpiness and the desire to wear thick socks. Then I got a bit chilly (though that coincided with turning down the radiator a notch). Finally, I went to bed early and fell straight to sleep.
Inevitably, I woke up this morning with that horrible tingling sensation in the back of my nose and a muzzy head. Having a big bunch of meetings scheduled today, I couldn't 'work from home', so I've dragged myself into the office and made sure that everyone realises what a big effort it all is. (I know, I know, I should stay home and not spread it around, but I'm a firm believer that once you get the symptoms you're beyond the contagious stage anyway. That's what I think, and nothing you say will change my mind!)
What I really need is a snuggly blanket, Lemsip and Murder She Wrote. What I've got is air conditioning, bad tea and PowerPoint.
Secretly, deep down, I enjoy the excuse to wallow in self pity. But I'd prefer to do it from the comfort of my sofa in freshly-laundered pyjamas.