Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Don't get me started ... too late!

Yesterday was, apparently, the most miserable day of the year. So, I celebrated by being in a bad mood. Look away now if you're averse to self-indulgent pettiness...

Source of annoyance 1
It was my first day back at work after being off sick for 2 weeks with a nasty case of infected eczema. It's been red and itchy and sore and sometimes almost unbearable. Plus I've been taking monster amounts of antibiotics, which made me sleep for most of the day (unless it was daytime TV that was causing that...). So, being back at work after all that time, everyone I spoke to asked after my health (which was nice), but then many of them proceeded to tell me about their aunt's cousin's best friend who also had a skin complaint/allergy/infection that was of equal or greater seriousness to mine.

Maybe I'm being churlish, but I'm not interested I'm afraid. Just as I don't expect people to want to hear about details of my emollient application regime, I'm not interested in the ailments of someone I don't know, especially when they're related in an 'I can top that' fashion.

Don't get me wrong - I'm grateful for any advice that anyone can give me, or recommendations of ointments that have worked for them, but this illness one-upmanship really got my goat.

Source of annoyance 2
All of my department, except me, have gone off to a conference in Germany. That's fine - I don't want to go and it's not really anything to do with me. But, I've been included on all the emails organising dinners and drinks and other jolliness. After a fortnight off I've got quite enough email to plough through without being invited to a dinner I can't attend. Thank you.

(However, today I was also included on the email cancelling the dinner due to flight delays, so that made me feel a bit better.)

Source of annoyance 3
There was celery in my lunch. There was no mention of celery on the menu. I hate celery.

Anyway, today I'm over all that and I'm listening to classical music and drinking peppermint tea. Now, if only the person who sits opposite me could type more quietly, everything will be fine.


At 5:51 pm, Blogger Chris said...

Today two people have asked after my health. So I thought that they really wanted to know and told them. One said, 'Yes, there's a lot of it about' and then gave a graphic, revolting description of surgery that someone's had; the other one said, 'Oh well, it's only a cold. Are you coming to the meeting tonight?'. I KNOW it's only a cold but that doesn't make me feel any better. Atishoo!!

At 11:16 am, Blogger chux said...

hope you are a bit more upbeat than this now.
You've really been through with your skin lately. I can only imagine the relentless discomfort this is causing or has caused you. Sorry mate!! i mean it!

If anything gets my goat at the moment it is Estate agents on the East Sussex coast. They are so inefficient, half or more of the houses that I want to see have already been sold but they haven't updated there websites or details. One didnt tell us the house was sold until we met them at the door!! Our guy in Chertsey has been quite efficient. They had the information about our house up on the web in 3 hours after we agreed to use them!

I am looking forwad to the new chapter in our families existence, lets hope its a good one.

all the best mate hope you are a feeling more upbeat.


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