Sunday, January 04, 2009

Accept the unaccepted

It may have escaped your attention, but it's recently become a new year.

Looking back to (more or less) this time last year I see that I have spectacularly failed in my goals for 2008. Well, my skin's better, at least. Of course, being out of work for most of the year does shake things up a bit.

So, this year I decided on only one resolution, which is to get out more. Sounds simple, doesn't it? And it started well because, for practically the first time ever, I had an invitation to see the New Year in at a friend's house at something like a party. Well, I'm not really a party person, but was full of optimism that I could hack it as a mingler amongst people I don't know. It turns out I couldn't. I don't know why I thought I could as I've never been a mingler and don't know why I thought I'd suddenly become one. I'm also not a small-talker. So, all in all I'm not cut out to enjoy a gathering of strangers, especially drunk strangers. Remind me next time - I'm happy to watch fireworks on telly...

This year I become 40 and so it's about time I stop kidding myself and accept that I'll never keep resolutions (and I'll never be a mingler).


At 9:24 am, Blogger petercmoore said...

I can't mingle either. Useless at it. Maybe it's a genetic thing?

I'm good at mangling things though.

At 10:54 am, Blogger chux said...

funny that, same here! People usually think of me as an upbeat extravert with confidence to spare. Put me in a room for mingling and I struggle. To illustrate.I met my wife to be out with mutual friends at a bar in Brighton. Then we met again on 3 other accassions at parties, but it wasn't until the 3rd time that we spoke!! I would go to these places and just have a boogie on my own in the corner. That wasn't me being confident of my dancing, it was shyness to talk to people I didn't know. My friends were 'mingling' merrily, but not me. Its the same with any group unless I know most people I struggle.

I still think you deserve a well done for having a go.


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