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Well, here I am again. And it's about time (about 3 and a half years, to be precise-ish). Despite the name of my blog, quite a lot has happened, so I'll give you a quick summary.
I was this...
Now I'm more this (but not every day)...

I did have a little boy...
He went and grew up...
Other stuff has happened too, but I don't want to exhaust all my post fodder in one fell swoop.
My main reason for starting up the blog again was a need to write about the changes that have happened to me over the past couple of years, quite self-indulgently, as a form of therapy and closure so I can move on - the italics signifying words I am very uncomfortable writing, and you're doubtless reading with some dread. But, really, who'd want to read that? Then I started reading some of my old posts, and I remembered the pleasure I used to get from writing them. So I might slip into a bit of self-indulgence from time to time (after all, it is all about me), but I will endeavour to get back to the random, everyday blogging that worked so well for me way back when. Don't hold your breath for my posts, though: it's no coincidence that they started to peter out once I was no longer a salaried employee - now I'm self-employed, I actually have to work for a living (but not every day)!