Thursday, September 21, 2006

Ad-ing up

I think it's great that Dove use 'real' women for their advertising, but is it only me that feels slightly uncomfortable about the way they have them frolicking and hugging each other in their underwear? Perhaps it is just me... But somehow it reminds me of the almost-soft-porn shower scene in Porky's. Hmm...

Anyway, despite their good intentions, it won't drive me to buy Dove products.

What's a bit ironic is that Marks and Spencer are apparently enjoying their most popular ad campaign for years, and they are using famously skinny models whose figures most of us could never hope to emulate. They make Twiggy look podgy!

Other adverts that put me off their products are Frosties (of course - does anyone like that ad?!), something that tells me I need a whole new way to fragrance my home (3volution, apparently, because my nose stops smelling one smell, so I need a different smell every 45 minutes) and the one where Davina McCall is talking to her mum about colouring her hair.

Oh, and while I'm here, does anyone know why everyone in the Clover ad is crying? That really bugs me! What's the matter with them all?

But to finish on a positive note, I absolutely love, love, love the Vauxhall Astra 'Don't Rain on my Parade' campaign. Every time that comes on, I stop and watch it. If I was buying a car right now, I'd buy a Vauxhall Astra. Really, I would! Or I might just buy a Bobby Darin CD...


At 3:00 pm, Blogger petercmoore said...

Dove are just selling their soap to men. That's why all the lesbian prison scenes in their ads.

At 9:46 pm, Blogger Clare said...

For anyone who hates the Frosty ad as much as me.... Tho the tune does get stuck in your head!

At 10:33 pm, Blogger Liz Hinds said...

Do you think you should only watch BBC if the ads upset you so much?! Or was it just a bad night?

I actually do watch mainly the Beeb and when people say, 'that advert blah bah,' I have no idea what they're talking about.

But the ads I like are ones that tell a story (yes, like the coffee ad or the Cointreau one). Or are funny like the Maureen Lipmann Beattie ads. Now they're all old ads, aren't they?


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