Mixed bag
There are times when I really want to write something. Anything. But inspiration won't strike and whatever pops in to my head is just too mundane (which is what Twitter is for...). Now is just one of those times. I'm sitting here at my computer, fingers poised over the keys, just willing a fascinating subject to emerge from the dusty, cobwebby corners of my mind. Nuffink! So, you will have to indulge me while I waffle aimlessly about one or two things that passed through my brain in lieu of a fascinating post...
Musical reunion

Working gURL
I've bought my .co.uk web address. jcmoore. Don't bother looking - I haven't done anything with it yet. I've been pondering doing something freelance-ish. Word processing, Powerpoint and whatnot. But I've no idea where to start. I need to dedicate some proper thinking time to the idea. I still really want to make a go of the jewellery business, but something keeps stopping me, whether it's my lack of sales/marketing confidence, or doubts about some aspects of the quality of what I'm making. Unfortunately, the pleasure of the 'hobby' has diminished somewhat because I'm feeling that I ought to be making a go of the business side. I need to get over that, and recapture the enjoyment that made me so excited about the whole thing in the first place. As a first step, I'm going to have a fun 'making' day tomorrow...
Speaking of making

Essay, essay, essay
I've nearly finished my OU Psychology Openings course. I've just got my final essay to write. It's been OK. It also confirmed my suspicion that studying is not really my bag and anything more intensive than an Openings course won't suit me at all. I've been able to completely neglect it for weeks and then catch up with an hour's reading. (In fact, someone asked me about it the other day, and I actually forgot I was doing it!) I know I won't be able to do that with a 'proper' course, and I also know that I will neglect it. This has been just right for me and I may well do another - I'm thinking maths - but the student life is definitely not for me.
Pillow talk
I was going to tell you all about my wonderful new pillows. But I can't bring myself to. Next thing I'll be blogging my shopping list! Suffice to say, they're amazingly gorgeous, considering they don't contain one single feather. In fact, they're so gorgeous that writing this is making me want to go to bed. It's probably making you want to go to bed too, so I'll detain you no further and let you go about your business, whatever it might be...