Here's looking at you

Thomas has just installed a sophisticated security system to give him advance warning of who is approaching his room. Bearing in mind that it's only ever me, I fail to see the point, but it makes him happy.
He has set up a security camera by his bedroom door, and plugged it in to his TV so he can see anyone in the hallway. It's a nifty setup for something that cost £4.99 from Lloyds Pharmacy, I have to admit. He's thinking of going back tomorrow for a laser trip wire. In fact, they've got a sale on and he can afford two.
I suggested he set the camera up in his bedroom window, overlooking the front of the flat, so that when there's interesting shouting going on, we can have a look without curtain-twitching and fear of being spotted. But he was more concerned with internal security.
Of course, he's not allowed the TV on past 9pm, so night-time intruders need not worry.
Great! now I know what time to break in if I want to steal Lego and Warhammer models...
But why not just buy a 2nd camera to use to spy on the local chavs as they congrgate outside for a spot of R&R?
I thought I could use a camera at work, to see when the boss arrives...
but they always give themselves away as when they approach you can hear either the theme from "little house on the prairy" or the Benny Hill TV Theme.
PT: Chavs? In Addlestone? I think you must be thinking of somewhere else!
Delmonti: are the latter being chased by shapely young women in bikinis?
Ha! Jo, you know this is only going to get stickier as he hits the teens years.
By the way, I know all sorts of ways to throw off CCTV cams. Let me know if you need a few tips.
That Thomas. What a card!
I'm shocked by Mary's comment! I might have been thinking it too, but i'd never have said it. I'm much too subtle and sophisticated for that. (yer right)
From what I recall working with Delmonti. Due to cost cutting in IBM , the Boss is also the wearer of the swimsuit when the Benny Hill tune is being played. Actually when I say being played, I mean being hummed. Another IBM cost cutting exercise i'm afraid.
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