Friday, April 25, 2008

All the news that's fit to print... or is it?

I have to come clean and admit that I no longer read a newspaper. These days I only know what's going on in the world when I happen to catch the on-the-hour radio bulletins or an infrequent glimpse of the headlines on TV. If I'm feeling particularly ill-informed I'll drop into the BBC News website, just to make sure that nothing of any importance is going on, but I generally feel more content in my ignorance. I know that's not really how I should be, but I am. So there. I'm happy in my ignorance.

I think there are usually only a few important news stories that really matter, and most of what is reported is really just 'filling'. You might say that it's a good thing that we're so much better informed these days, and it often is, but I can't help thinking that so much of our 'news', well, isn't.

Just today I saw a couple of examples...
  • Billie Piper was photographed on holiday with her new husband. In one of the pictures she had her hand on her stomach. Is she pregnant? (Incidentally, in two of the pictures she didn't have her hand on her stomach - I'm not sure what we should construe from that...)
  • The local paper reports of a person who had a win on the lottery, but was just one number away from an even bigger prize. Surely (or is it me?) everyone who wins the lottery, except the jackpot winner, is one number away from a bigger prize...?
And finally, while I'm on the subject, it would be great if whoever is responsible for publishing these things could be a bit more discerning when it comes to videos and pictures sent in by members of the public. Can anyone tell me what's going on here??


At 7:26 am, Blogger Delmonti said...

nearly all "newspapers" are nothing more then daily versions of Heat magazine. Pointless drivel written by pointless people about pointless people for..... you get the idea. I only buy newspapers if I'm in them or there's a DVD of a movie I fancy watching being given away.

Oh Astley in the noose
He hasn't got a use but he's trying
Trying to be someone
To take it like a man if he cant sing an old song.

Get back to the rope
Wash your mouth out with soap
And if you must sing, sing an oldie...
But sing it quickly.... Oh spare me.

Don't beg, don't beg
I wouldn't kill you, even if you paid me

Oh Astley its the truth
My patience at it roof
Its at its ceiling
Its just this feeling
That given half the choice a life without your voice is more appealing.

But don't take this to heart
It's all to do with art & entertainment
But from you and your peers
It's abuse to both me ears
I'll rest my case here

Don't beg, Don't beg
I wouldn't kill you
Even if you paid me.

The Wonder Stuff "Astley in the noose"

At 3:54 pm, Blogger chux said...

nah can't work out whats going on there either - it makes it worse that the person keeps panning the camera, so it doesnt get a chance to focus. not that that would have made much difference!


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