A week in the life
What with all this having to do proper work, and learning lots of new stuff, I haven't had much space in my brain for thinking of fascinating and entertaining post subjects. So, I'll give you a rundown of my last week or so, and see what comes up. You never know...
Easter Weekend
It was a while ago now, and what I remember most about it is that I ate chocolate for the first time since Ash Wednesday. And, my Mum cooked a marvellous roast dinner and we had a family game of Trivial Pursuit. Just like Christmas.
Last Tuesday

Had my hair colour done. Something different. Bright (very bright) red bits and dark (very dark) burgundy bits. It looks a lot better than it sounds (I hope!).
Was the day of my Nan's funeral. Of course a solemn time, but the service was beautifully conducted. The minister spoke about her as if he knew her. Her long-time friend and neighbour read a poem she had written about her. The choice of songs by Nat King Cole to begin and end the service was appropriate and very moving. I won't be able to hear 'Smile' again without it bringing a tear. Which is how it should be. What would once have been an innocuous song, will forever more remind me of Nan.
New job
Yesterday, I started my new job. There's a huge amount to learn. My new boss keeps starting sentences with "The first thing you should do is..." and "Top of your list should be...". It's strange to be learning a new job in the same place, with the same people around me, and even sitting at the same desk for the time being.
High tea

This afternoon my ex-team had afternoon tea. We all brought in tiny sandwiches with the crusts cut off, dainty cakes and suchlike. We had a cakestand. We had doilies. We had a teapot and drank Earl Grey. It was terribly civilised!
There you have it. I'm sure I could have done better, but my brain's fit to burst and I need an early night.